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Tree tent above the fjord
Tree tent · 2 guests · Pet friendly
 Spend the night in a tree tent above the fjord!
Imagine, you’re lying in a beautiful triangular tent, 2m above the ground and you gaze up to the tree tops that shelter you from above. You snuggle up into your comfy sleeping bag and listen to the sounds of nature that surround you.

Come and experience the tent version of a tree house and enjoy the night suspended in a hanging tent out in the woods, overlooking the majestic Sørfjorden. 

The hike to your accommodation is a beautiful little path that takes you around 1h and opens up to spectacular glacier views.
You meet your host on "Lilletopp", the upper building complex of the historic hydro power station of Tyssedal. 

From here you walk together for another 15 minutes until you reach your camp. Your host shows you around the area and gives you a little introduction into your tree tenting experience. You then have all the time to enjoy this beautiful piece of Norwegian nature, take a wander around, and prepare your own outdoor dinner. 

After a relaxing evening and night out in the wilderness, you can prepare a nice breakfast before you pack up and hike back into civilization. 

As experienced outdoor guides and passionate campers, we can whole heartedly say that the tree tent is the most comfortable tent we've ever slept in! It's a lot softer than a relugar tent and tighter than a hammock - the perfect mix. 
You are free to bring all equipment yourself or you can rent what ever you need directly from us. 

What can be rented: 
- Warm sleeping bags 
- Sleeping bag liners
- Bergans foam sleeping mats extreme
- Sheep skins for extra insulation and ambiance
- Pillows
- Cooking set with 1-plate camping stove, pot, pan & kettle, cutlery & dishes
- 5 litre canister of water

You can add rental gear at check out, or let us know via message if you decide later, some things can even still be rented on site

What is included:
- Tree Tent with rain cover
- Short intro tour with your host
- Very basic toilet facilities (since we're out in nature and want to keep our impact to a minimum, we kindly ask you to use our designated toilet area and bring used paper back down with you, we'll provide you with toilet paper and garbage bags)

What to bring:
- In case you don't rent: sleeping bags & sleeping mats, a way to prepare food 
- Warm clothing: even though it might be warm during the day, the temperatures always cool down at night and especially the evenings can get chilly. So make sure you bring enough warm clothes for the time you spend outside
- Waterproofs: we’re in Norway so you never know.
- At least 2 litres of drinking water per person
- Personal medication if needed

Please note:
- All equipment needed for your overnight stay needs to be carried up a small trail through rugged terrain (approx. 2km, 200m elevation gain)
- Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. 
- Parents have the full responsibility for their children.
- If you would like to bring your pet, please be aware that it will not be able to sleep in the tent with you. Your pet can sleep sheltered from the rain underneath the hanging tent, but keep in mind that we are in Norway and it does get colder during the nights.
- Please note that we need to limit the consumption of alcohol due to safety reasons. We therefore ask you to not bring any hard liquor on the mountain. If in doubt, your host will have the last word and might not allow you to access the tree tent or get close to the cliff side and can decide to walk you back down to the parking and therewith end the tour. Norwegian laws are very strict on alcohol consumption.
- For safety reasons there is a weight limit of 120 kg per person (total 200 kg) for sleeping in the tree tent. If you exceed this limit but would still like to book this tour, we can provide you with an alternative on the ground – with the same stunning views.
- Please note that bonfires are prohibited in and around the camp. 

 Optional Ad-On: Tyssedal Via Ferrata
Instead of hiking up to the tree tent camp, we also offer the option to climb Tyssedal Via Ferrata which starts by the fjord with a visit of the Norwegian Museum of Hydropower and Industry. The via ferrata leads you up the mountain along the massive penstocks that were built over 100 years ago - a great way to learn about the local history and get a real feeling for the height while climbing up.
You can add this option at checkout. 
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4G Internet
  • Shower by StoneHubShower(s)
  • Toiletpaper by StoneHubToilet(s)
  • Fridge by StoneHubShared kitchen
  • Warm water
  • Bed by StoneHubBed sheets/blankets
  • Hammocks
  • Heating by StoneHubHeating
  • Towels by StoneHubTowels
  • Kettle by Naufal HudallahWater cooker
  • Bonfire by StoneHubWood stove
  • Breakfast included
  • Wilderness bath
  • Trash cans
  • Fresh water
  • Electricity
  • Wifi by StoneHubWifi
  • Laundry by StoneHubLaundry
  • Grey water
  • Picnic table
  • Fireplace
  • Playground by Stepan VoevodinPlayground
  • Swimmingpool by StoneHubSwimming pool
  • Restaurant by Alice DesignRestaurant
  • Shop by StoneHubGrocery shop
  • Sauna
  • Farm products
  • 24/7 Surveillance
  • Dry toilet(s)
  • Shower(s) with coins
  • Black water drainage
  • Shelter
  • Barbecue
  • Hottub
  • Bakery
Show all facilities
Free parking
4G Internet
  • Shower by StoneHubShower(s)
  • Toiletpaper by StoneHubToilet(s)
  • Fridge by StoneHubShared kitchen
  • Warm water
  • Bed by StoneHubBed sheets/blankets
  • Hammocks
  • Heating by StoneHubHeating
  • Towels by StoneHubTowels
  • Kettle by Naufal HudallahWater cooker
  • Bonfire by StoneHubWood stove
  • Breakfast included
  • Wilderness bath
  • Trash cans
  • Fresh water
  • Electricity
  • Wifi by StoneHubWifi
  • Laundry by StoneHubLaundry
  • Grey water
  • Picnic table
  • Fireplace
  • Playground by Stepan VoevodinPlayground
  • Swimmingpool by StoneHubSwimming pool
  • Restaurant by Alice DesignRestaurant
  • Shop by StoneHubGrocery shop
  • Sauna
  • Farm products
  • 24/7 Surveillance
  • Dry toilet(s)
  • Shower(s) with coins
  • Black water drainage
  • Shelter
  • Barbecue
  • Hottub
  • Bakery
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Check-in: 15:00
Check-out: 11:00

Min. Nights: 1 day

Cancellation policy: Moderate

Pet friendly: Yes

Give as a gift: Buy gift card

Your host
Richard Mauseth

Hei, jeg heter Richard. Jeg er norsk og jobber som naturguide i det vakre fjorden i Sørøst-Norge. Jeg har nylig opprettet en liten bedrift med to venner som tilbyr ekstraordinære utendørs opplevelser og overnattinger. Med nesten 10 års erfaring innen turisme og guiding, har vi virkelig forelsket oss i ikke bare Trolltunga-regionen, men også de mange vakre møtene og forbindelsene med mennesker fra hele verden. Vi elsker å dele opplevelsen vår og lokalkunnskapen vår med reisende og eventyrere som kommer for å utforske det flotte friluftslivet i Norge. På alle turene våre tar vi sikte på å hjelpe folk med å komme i kontakt med naturen igjen og utfordre sine egne grenser og oppfatning. Vi ser frem til å ønske dere velkommen som våre gjester!

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